Laszlo Csizy
Artificial artefacts
Born in 1943 in Rimaszombat, Hungary.
From the 1970s, he worked in the the Visual Workshop of Pécs (Pécsi Vizuális Műhely) led by painting master Ferenc Lantos. He began creating computer graphics, including experimental short films, using the best available computer technology of the time. These works are among the earliest computer experiments in Hungary. Telecommunications responsibilities kept his graphic activities in the background for a long time. Since 2009, he has been actively engaged in computer graphics again, incorporating digital photography. He participated in national and international competitions, as well as individual and group exhibitions. While mainly exhibiting in Hungary, he has also showcased his work in Slovakia,
Egypt, Canada, and South Korea.
1967 - Electrical Engineering: Polytechnic University of Budapest.
Telecommunications engineer, system designer, advanced course in investment and planning.
Artist Association of Pécs-Baranya (Pécs-Baranya Művészeinek Társasága: PBMT)
Hungarian Electrographic Society (Magyar Elektrográfiai Társaság: MET)
International Artist Association of Bicsérd (Nemzetközi Bicsérdi Művésztelep Egyesület
The National Association of Hungarian Artists (Magyar Alkotóművészek Országos Egyesülete)
Selected solo exhibitions
Corvin Cultural Center: Experience Dialogue ("Élménydialógus"). Budapest, Hungary.
Benczúr House: Parts and Waves ("Részek és hullámok"). Budapest, Hungary.
Nagy Balogh J. Gallery: Branches ("Elágazások"). Budapest, Hungary.
METGaléria: Code Images ("Kódképek"). Budapest, Hungary.
Csemadok Gallery: Penetrations ("Áthatások") Komárom, Hungary.
Rovás Akadémia: Colors and Structures ("Színek és struktúrák"). Košice, Slovakia.
Exhibition at Nemes János AMK. Hosszúhetény, Hungary.
Barokk Pavilon: Proportions and Surfaces ("Arányok és felületek"). Pécs, Hungary.
Tűztorony Gallery: Transformation ("Átalakulás"). Pécs, Hungary.
Selected group exhibitions
Box Gallery: Digital Art Budapest. Athens, Greece.
Hungarian Institute of Rome (Római Magyar Intézet): DIALOGO TRA MATERIE Rome, Italy.
Deportations 70 Competition ("Kitelepítések 70"). Bratislava, Slovakia; Budapest, Hungary.
Bicsérd International Artists Residence ("Bicsérdi Nemzetközi Művésztelep") Budapest, Hungary.
Babits Mihály Cultural Center: Digital Agora-II. International Digital Triennial ("Digitális Agóra-II. Nemzetközi Digitális Triennálé"). Szekszárd, Hungary.
Siklósi Vár Gallery: Siklós Salon ("Siklósi Szalon"). Siklós, Hungary.
REÖK Palace: XXXIX. Summer Exhibition ("XXXIX. Nyári Tárlat"). Szeged, Hungary.
Chaos and Order ("Káosz és rend") National Competition Szeged, Hungary.
Hungarian National Gallery (MNG): Hungarian Artists and the Computer ("Magyar művészek és a számítógép"). Budapest, Hungary.
3rd National Fine Arts Competition: In memoriam 1956. Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary.
Babits Mihály Cultural Center: Digital Agora-I. International Digital Triennial ("Digitális Agóra-I. Nemzetközi Digitális Triennálé"). Szekszárd, Hungary.
Széphárom Community Space: Circuit-4 ("Áramkör-4"). Budapest, Hungary.
MKISZ Gallery: MEGAPIXEL Awardees. Budapest, Hungary.
Balassi Institute: Analogies and Differences ("Analógiák és Differenciák"). Cairo, Egypt.
Cella Septichora: PBMT 10th Anniversary Exhibition. Pécs, Hungary.
Cella Septichora: MEGAPIXEL 2010 at Fuga Budapest, Winter Exhibition ("Téli Tárlat"). Pécs, Hungary.
Computer animation: Kismányoky Károly: Pszichorealizmus (Psychorealism), Bódy Gábor: Mozgástanulmányok Muybridge emlékére (Movement Studies in Memory of Muybridge) (1980).
Please contact us for prices and the latest works available by Laszlo Csizy!