Time & Location
Sep 03, 2020, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
37 Gallery, Budapest, Bartók Béla út 37, 1114 Hungary
About the event
Exhibition Opening
Minimalism, geometric and concrete fine arts have been defining artistic trends for me so far. In my post-geometric works, I searched for new visual language code systems by dissolving the connections between the modern and the cultural sign and meaning of the previous ages. The research of the possibilities of connection of the basic visual elements, independent of all cultural, physical and spatial systems, opened up to me the artistic and aesthetic possibilities of new spatial organizations. In physics, pre-geometry is a hypothetical structure model from which the geometry of the universe could have evolved.
The pregeometric point and line networks, the self-organizing force fields of space dynamics randomly generated by material and technological constraints, the information content and meaning of structural intersections were revealed in their self-openness.
All the randomly organized formal interpretations of relief, which at first give me a feeling of unknowness, inspired me to create additional structures.
Co-organizer: OSAS Open Structures Art Soceity.
The exhibition will be opened by art writer Csaba Kozák.
On view: 14 September - 17 September, 2020.